Monday, September 5, 2011

In-Class Discussion #2

In class, we discussed the Tuskegee and Guatemalan experiments in more depth. The apology issued by President Clinton was called into question, however, once we discovered that the movie Ms. Evers' Boys was released just a few months before the apology was publicly made. It was speculated that the apology was only given because the experiments could no longer be swept under the rug and kept away from the public and the people of the United States were outraged that this had been kept from them.

This makes me wonder what else we, as a people, are missing? Are we really that oblivious to what is going on around us, or does this government that we supposedly run have more control over us than we think? We talk about Chinese censorship and the like, talk about how ridiculous it is, but are we really much better when we experiment on our fellow Americans without their consent and hide the results when it goes bad? I'm becoming increasingly disappointed with us as a nation.

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